6. Access to and right to use the software

6.1. Source code

You are only entitled to receive the software object code. The software source code shall not be made available to you, nor shall the technical documentation be made available during the development, unless this has been agreed explicitly in writing.

6.2. Maintenance

KLAAS NIENHUIS is authorised to without prior notice (temporarily) decommission the system or to limit the use thereof to the extent that this is required for the reasonably required maintenance or required adjustments or improvements of the system to be performed by KLAAS NIENHUIS, without you, as a user, and/or third parties being liable to compensation vis-à-vis KLAAS NIENHUIS. KLAAS NIENHUIS is at all times authorised to make changes in the login procedure, in the account and in the email addresses, without you, as a user, and/or third parties being liable to compensation vis-à-vis KLAAS NIENHUIS. As the occasion arises KLAAS NIENHUIS will inform you of the changes as soon as possible.

6.3. Reverse engineer

You are not allowed to change, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or reproduce the software or any part thereof. You are not allowed to sell, rent or make the software available to third parties. If so requested by KLAAS NIENHUIS you shall grant access to your premises in order to determine the compliance with the restrictions of use.

6.4. Non-transferable

Unless explicitly permitted by KLAAS NIENHUIS in writing, the right to use the software will be non-transferable and you will not be allowed to make the software of, or copies thereof or addition thereto, available to third parties or to surrender the use thereof for any reason whatsoever. If you are explicitly allowed to grant sublicences, you shall guarantee that all sublicensees shall execute and be subject to a sublicensing agreement, with terms that are in accordance with these general terms and conditions. You shall be liable for sublicensee conduct that is prohibited under this agreement and sublicensee conduct that would have constituted breach of this agreement if it had been engaged it by you.

6.5. Quality

In terms of the software and the services KLAAS NIENHUIS has made every effort to observe the utmost care with regard to both quality and promptness.

6.6. Availability

KLAAS NIENHUIS will provide for the availability of the software. KLAAS NIENHUIS will to the best of its ability pursue the highest possible availability percentage. This regards a best efforts obligation. KLAAS NIENHUIS is not subject to any obligations in terms of the availability, reliability or performance requirements of telephone lines, the internet and/or other networks and facilities deriving there from.

6.7. Latin script

Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the software does not recognise non-Western script, i.e. non-Latin script. Hence the software does not read, inter alia, Greek, Cyrillic or Arabic